UNIT 3: LET`S TALK ABOUT WORK (warm up session 2)

Look and Find
- A factory

- A machine which a farmer uses

- Some people who work in an office

- A person who provides a service selling fish 

Answer these questions

1.    Which types of jobs can you see?
2.    Look at the photo of the factory:
a.   What are they manufacturing?
b.   How many people do you think work in this factory?
c.    Do they do different jobs? How important are working conditions, such as space and light?
d.   Are there factories like this near where you live? What types of jobs do people do in your area?
3.    Can you think of a job that involves producing food? And that involves helping people?
4.    Does anybody in your family do any of these jobs? What other jobs they do?
5.    Do you know if they get paid for doing this job?
6.    Why are jobs beneficial for society?
7.    Is there a job you would like to do ?

People need to work to live. We receive money for the work we do so that we can buy the things we need. Jobs help society to function well. There are many types of jobs. Some people produce food or raw materials, like farmers and fishermen. Others work in industry or services, like engineers and teachers.

In this unit we are going to learn about work...

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